In 2017 I had a special place to exhibit random items in a library in Chevilly-Larue.

This was part of an event organized by Xavier Girard also involving Pierre Corbinais
Pierre and me both happen to have created an internet thing called Oujevipo around 2005 (it was two different things with the same name, we didn't even know each other at that time).
We also held a special participative conference about random experimental games. Later I held a similar conference in Japan with Kazutoshi Iida.
This exhibition was done to document both of our work.
I printed a few games and booklets for the occasion.
Document about how I spent my time :

(fr) Livre d'exercices imprimé à disposition sur place.
Two sets of printed Magic the gathering cards generated by a RNN network (I tried playing with them against a friend, it's inconsistent and difficult but very funny) :

A printed edition of my updated "Il est une fois" card game.

A horizontally cut folder in which people could draw whatever they wanted.