[{"chunks":[["\ufeff\u2020\r"]],"minNC":3,"maxNC":3},{"chunks":[["RIP\r"]],"minNC":4,"maxNC":4},{"chunks":[["Death.\r"]],"minNC":7,"maxNC":7},{"chunks":[["He dies.\r"]],"minNC":9,"maxNC":9},{"chunks":[["He's dead.\r"]],"minNC":11,"maxNC":11},{"chunks":[["He dies here.\r"]],"minNC":14,"maxNC":14},{"chunks":[["He's dying here.\r"]],"minNC":17,"maxNC":17},{"chunks":[["David Bourton","David\r"],[" 1923 - 1950\r"]],"minNC":19,"maxNC":26},{"chunks":[["David Bourton","David\r"],[" dies. Period.\r"]],"minNC":21,"maxNC":28},{"chunks":[["David Bourton","David\r"],[" is finally dead.\r"]],"minNC":24,"maxNC":31},{"chunks":[["David Bourton","David\r"],[" dies at the end.\r"]],"minNC":24,"maxNC":31},{"chunks":[["David Bourton","David\r"],[" dies. That's sad.\r"]],"minNC":25,"maxNC":32},{"chunks":[["Here lies "],["David Bourton","David\r"],[", writer.\r"]],"minNC":26,"maxNC":33},{"chunks":[["David Bourton","David\r"],[" is dead. Sad story.\r"]],"minNC":27,"maxNC":34},{"chunks":[["David Bourton","David\r"],[" dies. And that's all.\r"]],"minNC":29,"maxNC":36},{"chunks":[["David Bourton","David\r"],[" dies. Too bad for him.\r"]],"minNC":30,"maxNC":37},{"chunks":[["David Bourton","David\r"],[" dies. End of the story.\r"]],"minNC":31,"maxNC":38},{"chunks":[["Here lies "],["David Bourton","David\r"],[", inexperienced writer.\r"]],"minNC":40,"maxNC":47},{"chunks":[["David Bourton","David\r"],[" dies. There's nothing more to say.\r"]],"minNC":42,"maxNC":49},{"chunks":[["David Bourton","David\r"],[" was a young author. One day he died.\r"]],"minNC":44,"maxNC":51},{"chunks":[["David Bourton","David\r"],[", born in "],["Brooklyn","Bkny","Bk\r"],[" 1923, died in "],["Brooklyn","Bkny","Bk\r"],[" 1950\r"]],"minNC":43,"maxNC":60},{"chunks":[["David Bourton","David\r"],[" was a young author. One day he died, but how ?\r"]],"minNC":54,"maxNC":61},{"chunks":[["Here lies "],["David Bourton","David\r"],[", shot by the coward "],["Mister","Mr\r"],[" "],["Mac","Mc\r"],[" "],["Magalagan","Magagan","Magan","M.\r"],[" "],["Junior","Jr\r"],[".\r"]],"minNC":54,"maxNC":73},{"chunks":[["David Bourton","David\r"],["'s "],["novel","book\r"],[" is called \""],["Epitaph\r"],["\". Sadly he died while after writing it.\r"]],"minNC":75,"maxNC":82},{"chunks":[["\""],["Epitaph\r"],["\" is an unpublished "],["novel","book\r"],[" about an evil king and one of his "],["servants","scribes\r"],[".\r"]],"minNC":79,"maxNC":79},{"chunks":[["Mister","Mr\r"],[" "],["Mac","Mc\r"],[" "],["Magalagan","Magagan","Magan","M.\r"],[" "],["Junior","Jr\r"],[" was not happy about "],["David Bourton","David\r"],["'s "],["novel","book\r"],[" and shot him dead.\r"]],"minNC":70,"maxNC":89},{"chunks":[["Mister","Mr\r"],[" "],["Mac","Mc\r"],[" "],["Magalagan","Magagan","Magan","M.\r"],[" "],["Junior","Jr\r"],[" was so unhappy about "],["David Bourton","David\r"],["'s "],["novel","book\r"],[" that he murdered him.\r"]],"minNC":74,"maxNC":93},{"chunks":[["Trust me, you don't want to be a writer","Trust me, you don't want to be a work","You probably don't want to be a writer","You don't want to work","It's a shame to work","Don't work\r"],[" at the "],["Magalagan","Magagan","Magan","M.\r"],[" "],["and Sons","& Sons","S.\r"],[" "],["Brooklyn","Bkny","Bk\r"],[" "],["Book Company","Company","Book Co","Co\r"],[". "],["David Bourton","David\r"],[" used to work there, and now he's dead.\r"]],"minNC":82,"maxNC":142},{"chunks":[["\"That "],["novel","book\r"],[" was so bad that I won't even "],["burn it","feed it to my dog","look at it ever again\r"],["\" said "],["Mister","Mr\r"],[" "],["Mac","Mc\r"],[" "],["Magalagan","Magagan","Magan","M.\r"],[" "],["Junior","Jr\r"],[" as he "],["put a drop of cyanide in David's glass","pulled the trigger","stabbed David","fed David to the boars","burried the writer alive","pushed David in the ravine","poured the concrete on David","placed a bomb under David's car","slowly tied David to the railroad","pushed David's head under the water\r"],[".\r"]],"minNC":92,"maxNC":144},{"chunks":[["What is this mysterious secret about the "],["Magalagan","Magagan","Magan","M.\r"],[" "],["and Sons","& Sons","S.\r"],[" "],["Brooklyn","Bkny","Bk\r"],[" "],["Book Company","Company","Book Co","Co\r"],[" ? Some say the "],["editor-in-chief","chief editor","director","boss\r"],[" kills his employees"],["...",".\r"],["\r"]],"minNC":100,"maxNC":136},{"chunks":[["What is this mysterious secret about the evil king ? Some say he kills his "],["servants","scribes\r"],["...",".\r"],[" Find out by reading \""],["Epitaph\r"],["\", "],["David Bourton","David\r"],["'s latest "],["novel","book\r"],[". \r"]],"minNC":142,"maxNC":150},{"chunks":[["With his latest "],["novel","book\r"],[", "],["David Bourton","David\r"],[" wanted to deliver some kind of hidden message to the readers. Sadly he died and the "],["novel","book\r"],[" remains unpublished.\r"]],"minNC":141,"maxNC":148},{"chunks":[["At the end of \""],["Epitaph\r"],["\", the "],["servant","scribe\r"],[" prepares "],["a message to be written on his own grave","a message\r"],[" "],["where he finally reveals","about\r"],[" the "],["evil habits","awful behaviour\r"],[" of the king to the world. "],["Sadly nobody will ever read that","Sadly nobody will ever read that, not even the director\r"],[".\r"]],"minNC":141,"maxNC":218},{"chunks":[["Since the "],["novel","book\r"],[" was short, the "],["editor-in-chief","chief editor","director","boss\r"],[" "],["Mister","Mr\r"],[" "],["Mac","Mc\r"],[" "],["Magalagan","Magagan","Magan","M.\r"],[" "],["Junior","Jr\r"],[", decided to read it entirely. After he reached the end, he took an important decision.\r"]],"minNC":140,"maxNC":162},{"chunks":[["An old advertisement for \""],["Epitaph\r"],["\" was lying on the table. It had never been used since the author died and the book remains unpublished. But out of curiosity, I decided to look for a manuscript"],["...",".\r"],["\r"]],"minNC":198,"maxNC":199},{"chunks":[["After I red "],["David Bourton","David\r"],["'s "],["Epitaph\r"],[", I knew I had to let the world know about it. Since "],["Mister","Mr\r"],[" "],["Mac","Mc\r"],[" "],["Magalagan","Magagan","Magan","M.\r"],[" "],["Junior","Jr\r"],[" was still holding the copyrights, I couldn't legally publish it myself. I had to find another way...\r"]],"minNC":199,"maxNC":218},{"chunks":[["David Bourton","David\r"],[" knew he should have written a lot more words : if his "],["novel","book\r"],[" was exceeding "],["one thousand and fifty","1500\r"],[" "],["characters","letters\r"],[", the "],["editor-in-chief","chief editor","director","boss\r"],[" would just have red a few sentences and then he would have given his approval without reading the very end.\r"]],"minNC":215,"maxNC":251},{"chunks":[["Being a writer at the Magalagan Book Company was a difficult. The boss, Mister Mac Magalagan Junior, was receiving a lot of books every day and didn't care much about the quality, "],["he would only look at the number of","he only counted\r"],[" "],["characters","letters\r"],[" in a "],["novel","book\r"],[" and "],["figure out","determine","say\r"],[" if it was "],["worth publishing or not","worth it or not","good or not","worth publishing","worth it","good\r"],[".\r"]],"minNC":243,"maxNC":288},{"chunks":[["Being a writer at the Magalagan Book Company was a difficult. The boss, Mister Mac Magalagan Junior, was receiving a lot of books every day and didn't care much about the quality, "],["he would only look at the number of","he only counted\r"],[" "],["characters","letters\r"],[" in a "],["novel","book\r"],[" and "],["figure out","determine","say\r"],[" if it was "],["worth publishing or not","worth it or not","good or not","worth publishing","worth it","good\r"],[". "],["David Bourton","David\r"],[", "],["had only a few minutes left to","had three minutes left to","had two seconds left to","had one second left to","had almost no time to","was hurrying to","had to\r"],[" "],["put and end to the","complete his","finish his\r"],[" "],["novel","book\r"],[".\r"]],"minNC":278,"maxNC":360},{"chunks":[["Being a writer at the Magalagan Book Company was a difficult. The boss, Mister Mac Magalagan Junior, was receiving a lot of books every day and didn't care much about the quality, "],["he would only look at the number of","he only counted\r"],[" "],["characters","letters\r"],[" in a "],["novel","book\r"],[" and "],["figure out","determine","say\r"],[" if it was "],["worth publishing or not","worth it or not","good or not","worth publishing","worth it","good\r"],[". "],["David Bourton","David\r"],[", "],["had only a few minutes left to","had three minutes left to","had two seconds left to","had one second left to","had almost no time to","was hurrying to","had to\r"],[" "],["put and end to the","complete his","finish his\r"],[" "],["novel","book\r"],[" and "],["and had no clue how to deal with it","and was worrying a lot","and was terrified","in a hurry","quickly\r"],[".\r"]],"minNC":291,"maxNC":400},{"chunks":[["Being a writer at the Magalagan Book Company was a difficult. The boss, Mister Mac Magalagan Junior, was receiving a lot of books every day and didn't care much about the quality, "],["he would only look at the number of","he only counted\r"],[" "],["characters","letters\r"],[" in a "],["novel","book\r"],[" and "],["figure out","determine","say\r"],[" if it was "],["worth publishing or not","worth it or not","good or not","worth publishing","worth it","good\r"],[". "],["David Bourton","David\r"],[", "],["a young author","writer\r"],[" at the "],["Magalagan","Magagan","Magan","M.\r"],[" "],["and Sons","& Sons","S.\r"],[" "],["Brooklyn","Bkny","Bk\r"],[" "],["Book Company","Company","Book Co","Co\r"],[", "],["had only a few minutes left to","had three minutes left to","had two seconds left to","had one second left to","had almost no time to","was hurrying to","had to\r"],[" "],["put and end to the","complete his","finish his\r"],[" "],["novel","book\r"],[" and "],["and had no clue how to deal with it","and was worrying a lot","and was terrified","in a hurry","quickly\r"],[".\r"]],"minNC":323,"maxNC":464},{"chunks":[["Being a writer at the Magalagan Book Company was a difficult. The boss, Mister Mac Magalagan Junior, was receiving a lot of books every day and didn't care much about the quality, "],["he would only look at the number of","he only counted\r"],[" "],["characters","letters\r"],[" in a "],["novel","book\r"],[" and "],["figure out","determine","say\r"],[" if it was "],["worth publishing or not","worth it or not","good or not","worth publishing","worth it","good\r"],[". "],["David Bourton","David\r"],[", "],["a young author","writer\r"],[" at the "],["Magalagan","Magagan","Magan","M.\r"],[" "],["and Sons","& Sons","S.\r"],[" "],["Brooklyn","Bkny","Bk\r"],[" "],["Book Company","Company","Book Co","Co\r"],[", "],["had only a few minutes left to","had three minutes left to","had two seconds left to","had one second left to","had almost no time to","was hurrying to","had to\r"],[" "],["put and end to the","complete his","finish his\r"],[" "],["novel","book\r"],[" and "],["and had no clue how to deal with it","and was worrying a lot","and was terrified","in a hurry","quickly\r"],[". "],["But suddenly he got an idea","Suddenly he got an idea","Here's what he did","He got an idea","His idea\r"],[": "],["he just kept writing the same sentence several times in a row. Yes, he kept writing the same sentence over and over.","he just kept writing the same sentence several times in a row. Yes, he kept writing the same sentence.","he just kept writing the same sentence. Yes, he kept writing the same sentence.","he just kept writing the same sentence over and over.","he just kept writing the same sentence.","keeping writing a single sentence","writing one sentence continuously","writing only one sentence\r"],[" "],["...",".\r"],[".\r"]],"minNC":365,"maxNC":615},{"chunks":[["Being a writer at the Magalagan Book Company was a difficult. The boss, Mister Mac Magalagan Junior, was receiving a lot of books every day and didn't care much about the quality, "],["he would only look at the number of","he only counted\r"],[" "],["characters","letters\r"],[" in a "],["novel","book\r"],[" and "],["figure out","determine","say\r"],[" if it was "],["worth publishing or not","worth it or not","good or not","worth publishing","worth it","good\r"],[". "],["David Bourton","David\r"],[", "],["a young author","writer\r"],[" at the "],["Magalagan","Magagan","Magan","M.\r"],[" "],["and Sons","& Sons","S.\r"],[" "],["Brooklyn","Bkny","Bk\r"],[" "],["Book Company","Company","Book Co","Co\r"],[", "],["had only a few minutes left to","had three minutes left to","had two seconds left to","had one second left to","had almost no time to","was hurrying to","had to\r"],[" "],["put and end to the","complete his","finish his\r"],[" "],["novel","book\r"],[" and "],["and had no clue how to deal with it","and was worrying a lot","and was terrified","in a hurry","quickly\r"],[". "],["But suddenly he got an idea","Suddenly he got an idea","Here's what he did","He got an idea","His idea\r"],[": "],["he just kept writing the same sentence several times in a row. Yes, he kept writing the same sentence over and over.","he just kept writing the same sentence several times in a row. Yes, he kept writing the same sentence.","he just kept writing the same sentence. Yes, he kept writing the same sentence.","he just kept writing the same sentence over and over.","he just kept writing the same sentence.","keeping writing a single sentence","writing one sentence continuously","writing only one sentence\r"],[" "],["...",".\r"],[" "],["And eventually, he made it","And he made it","He finally made it","He made it\r"],[" "],["to more than","to\r"],[" "],["one thousand and fifty","1500\r"],[" "],["characters","letters\r"],[" "],["and his novel got published","and got published","and kept wrinting","and stayed alive\r"],[".\r"]],"minNC":414,"maxNC":717},{"chunks":[["David Bourton","David\r"],[", "],["a young author","writer\r"],[" at the "],["Magalagan","Magagan","Magan","M.\r"],[" "],["and Sons","& Sons","S.\r"],[" "],["Brooklyn","Bkny","Bk\r"],[" "],["Book Company","Company","Book Co","Co\r"],[", "],["had only a few minutes left to","had three minutes left to","had two seconds left to","had one second left to","had almost no time to","was hurrying to","had to\r"],[" "],["put and end to the","complete his","finish his\r"],[" "],["novel","book\r"],[" and "],["and had no clue how to deal with it","and was worrying a lot","and was terrified","in a hurry","quickly\r"],[". "],["But suddenly he got an idea","Suddenly he got an idea","Here's what he did","He got an idea","His idea\r"],[": "],["he just kept writing the same sentence several times in a row. Yes, he kept writing the same sentence over and over.","he just kept writing the same sentence several times in a row. Yes, he kept writing the same sentence.","he just kept writing the same sentence. Yes, he kept writing the same sentence.","he just kept writing the same sentence over and over.","he just kept writing the same sentence.","keeping writing a single sentence","writing one sentence continuously","writing only one sentence\r"],[" "],["...",".\r"],[" "],["And eventually, he made it","And he made it","He finally made it","He made it\r"],[" "],["to more than","to\r"],[" "],["one thousand and fifty","1500\r"],[" "],["characters","letters\r"],[" "],["and his novel got published","and got published","and kept wrinting","and stayed alive\r"],[".\r"]],"minNC":171,"maxNC":429},{"chunks":[["Being a writer at the Magalagan Book Company was a difficult. The boss, Mister Mac Magalagan Junior, was receiving a lot of books every day and didn't care much about the quality, "],["he would only look at the number of","he only counted\r"],[" "],["characters","letters\r"],[" in a "],["novel","book\r"],[" and "],["figure out","determine","say\r"],[" if it was "],["worth publishing or not","worth it or not","good or not","worth publishing","worth it","good\r"],[", and for any "],["novel","book\r"],[" "],["that had less than","with less than\r"],[" "],["one thousand and fifty","1500\r"],[" "],["characters","letters\r"],[", "],["he would not only fire the writer, but also kill him","he would fire and also kill the writer","he would kill the writer\r"],[". "],["David Bourton","David\r"],[", "],["a young author","writer\r"],[" at the "],["Magalagan","Magagan","Magan","M.\r"],[" "],["and Sons","& Sons","S.\r"],[" "],["Brooklyn","Bkny","Bk\r"],[" "],["Book Company","Company","Book Co","Co\r"],[", "],["had only a few minutes left to","had three minutes left to","had two seconds left to","had one second left to","had almost no time to","was hurrying to","had to\r"],[" "],["put and end to the","complete his","finish his\r"],[" "],["novel","book\r"],[" and "],["and had no clue how to deal with it","and was worrying a lot","and was terrified","in a hurry","quickly\r"],[". "],["But suddenly he got an idea","Suddenly he got an idea","Here's what he did","He got an idea","His idea\r"],[": "],["he just kept writing the same sentence several times in a row. Yes, he kept writing the same sentence over and over.","he just kept writing the same sentence several times in a row. Yes, he kept writing the same sentence.","he just kept writing the same sentence. Yes, he kept writing the same sentence.","he just kept writing the same sentence over and over.","he just kept writing the same sentence.","keeping writing a single sentence","writing one sentence continuously","writing only one sentence\r"],[" "],["...",".\r"],[" "],["And eventually, he made it","And he made it","He finally made it","He made it\r"],[" "],["to more than","to\r"],[" "],["one thousand and fifty","1500\r"],[" "],["characters","letters\r"],[" "],["and his novel got published","and got published","and kept wrinting","and stayed alive\r"],[".\r"]],"minNC":491,"maxNC":843},{"chunks":[["Being a writer at the Magalagan Book Company was a difficult. The boss, Mister Mac Magalagan Junior, was receiving a lot of books every day and didn't care much about the quality, "],["he would only look at the number of","he only counted\r"],[" "],["characters","letters\r"],[" in a "],["novel","book\r"],[" and "],["figure out","determine","say\r"],[" if it was "],["worth publishing or not","worth it or not","good or not","worth publishing","worth it","good\r"],[", and for any "],["novel","book\r"],[" "],["that had less than","with less than\r"],[" "],["one thousand and fifty","1500\r"],[" "],["characters","letters\r"],[", "],["he would not only fire the writer, but also kill him","he would fire and also kill the writer","he would kill the writer\r"],[". "],["David Bourton","David\r"],[", "],["a young author","writer\r"],[" at the "],["Magalagan","Magagan","Magan","M.\r"],[" "],["and Sons","& Sons","S.\r"],[" "],["Brooklyn","Bkny","Bk\r"],[" "],["Book Company","Company","Book Co","Co\r"],[", "],["had only a few minutes left to","had three minutes left to","had two seconds left to","had one second left to","had almost no time to","was hurrying to","had to\r"],[" "],["put and end to the","complete his","finish his\r"],[" "],["novel","book\r"],[" and "],["and had no clue how to deal with it","and was worrying a lot","and was terrified","in a hurry","quickly\r"],[". "],["But suddenly he got an idea","Suddenly he got an idea","Here's what he did","He got an idea","His idea\r"],[": "],["he just kept writing the same sentence several times in a row. Yes, he kept writing the same sentence over and over.","he just kept writing the same sentence several times in a row. Yes, he kept writing the same sentence.","he just kept writing the same sentence. Yes, he kept writing the same sentence.","he just kept writing the same sentence over and over.","he just kept writing the same sentence.","keeping writing a single sentence","writing one sentence continuously","writing only one sentence\r"],[" "],["He kept writing the same sentence.","He kept writing the same sentence. He kept writing the same sentence. He kept writing the same sentence.\r"],[" "],["...",".\r"],[" "],["And eventually, he made it","And he made it","He finally made it","He made it\r"],[" "],["to more than","to\r"],[" "],["one thousand and fifty","1500\r"],[" "],["characters","letters\r"],[" "],["and his novel got published","and got published","and kept wrinting","and stayed alive\r"],[".\r"]],"minNC":526,"maxNC":949},{"chunks":[["Being a writer at the Magalagan Book Company was a difficult. The boss, Mister Mac Magalagan Junior, was receiving a lot of books every day and didn't care much about the quality, "],["he would only look at the number of","he only counted\r"],[" "],["characters","letters\r"],[" in a "],["novel","book\r"],[" and "],["figure out","determine","say\r"],[" if it was "],["worth publishing or not","worth it or not","good or not","worth publishing","worth it","good\r"],[", and for any "],["novel","book\r"],[" "],["that had less than","with less than\r"],[" "],["one thousand and fifty","1500\r"],[" "],["characters","letters\r"],[", "],["he would not only fire the writer, but also kill him","he would fire and also kill the writer","he would kill the writer\r"],[". "],["David Bourton","David\r"],[", "],["a young author","writer\r"],[" at the "],["Magalagan","Magagan","Magan","M.\r"],[" "],["and Sons","& Sons","S.\r"],[" "],["Brooklyn","Bkny","Bk\r"],[" "],["Book Company","Company","Book Co","Co\r"],[", "],["had only a few minutes left to","had three minutes left to","had two seconds left to","had one second left to","had almost no time to","was hurrying to","had to\r"],[" "],["put and end to the","complete his","finish his\r"],[" "],["novel","book\r"],[" and "],["and had no clue how to deal with it","and was worrying a lot","and was terrified","in a hurry","quickly\r"],[". "],["But suddenly he got an idea","Suddenly he got an idea","Here's what he did","He got an idea","His idea\r"],[": "],["he just kept writing the same sentence several times in a row. Yes, he kept writing the same sentence over and over.","he just kept writing the same sentence several times in a row. Yes, he kept writing the same sentence.","he just kept writing the same sentence. Yes, he kept writing the same sentence.","he just kept writing the same sentence over and over.","he just kept writing the same sentence.","keeping writing a single sentence","writing one sentence continuously","writing only one sentence\r"],[" "],["He kept writing the same sentence.","He kept writing the same sentence. He kept writing the same sentence. He kept writing the same sentence.\r"],[" "],["He kept writing the same sentence.","He kept writing the same sentence. He kept writing the same sentence. He kept writing the same sentence.\r"],[" "],["...",".\r"],[" "],["And eventually, he made it","And he made it","He finally made it","He made it\r"],[" "],["to more than","to\r"],[" "],["one thousand and fifty","1500\r"],[" "],["characters","letters\r"],[" "],["and his novel got published","and got published","and kept wrinting","and stayed alive\r"],[".\r"]],"minNC":561,"maxNC":1055},{"chunks":[["Being a writer at the Magalagan Book Company was a difficult. The boss, Mister Mac Magalagan Junior, was receiving a lot of books every day and didn't care much about the quality, "],["he would only look at the number of","he only counted\r"],[" "],["characters","letters\r"],[" in a "],["novel","book\r"],[" and "],["figure out","determine","say\r"],[" if it was "],["worth publishing or not","worth it or not","good or not","worth publishing","worth it","good\r"],[", and for any "],["novel","book\r"],[" "],["that had less than","with less than\r"],[" "],["one thousand and fifty","1500\r"],[" "],["characters","letters\r"],[", "],["he would not only fire the writer, but also kill him","he would fire and also kill the writer","he would kill the writer\r"],[". "],["David Bourton","David\r"],[", "],["a young author","writer\r"],[" at the "],["Magalagan","Magagan","Magan","M.\r"],[" "],["and Sons","& Sons","S.\r"],[" "],["Brooklyn","Bkny","Bk\r"],[" "],["Book Company","Company","Book Co","Co\r"],[", "],["had only a few minutes left to","had three minutes left to","had two seconds left to","had one second left to","had almost no time to","was hurrying to","had to\r"],[" "],["put and end to the","complete his","finish his\r"],[" "],["novel","book\r"],[" and "],["and had no clue how to deal with it","and was worrying a lot","and was terrified","in a hurry","quickly\r"],[". "],["But suddenly he got an idea","Suddenly he got an idea","Here's what he did","He got an idea","His idea\r"],[": "],["he just kept writing the same sentence several times in a row. Yes, he kept writing the same sentence over and over.","he just kept writing the same sentence several times in a row. Yes, he kept writing the same sentence.","he just kept writing the same sentence. Yes, he kept writing the same sentence.","he just kept writing the same sentence over and over.","he just kept writing the same sentence.","keeping writing a single sentence","writing one sentence continuously","writing only one sentence\r"],[" "],["He kept writing the same sentence.","He kept writing the same sentence. He kept writing the same sentence. He kept writing the same sentence.\r"],[" "],["He kept writing the same sentence.","He kept writing the same sentence. He kept writing the same sentence. He kept writing the same sentence.\r"],[" "],["He kept writing the same sentence.","He kept writing the same sentence. He kept writing the same sentence. He kept writing the same sentence.\r"],[" "],["...",".\r"],[" "],["And eventually, he made it","And he made it","He finally made it","He made it\r"],[" "],["to more than","to\r"],[" "],["one thousand and fifty","1500\r"],[" "],["characters","letters\r"],[" "],["and his novel got published","and got published","and kept wrinting","and stayed alive\r"],[".\r"]],"minNC":596,"maxNC":1161},{"chunks":[["Being a writer at the Magalagan Book Company was a difficult. The boss, Mister Mac Magalagan Junior, was receiving a lot of books every day and didn't care much about the quality, "],["he would only look at the number of","he only counted\r"],[" "],["characters","letters\r"],[" in a "],["novel","book\r"],[" and "],["figure out","determine","say\r"],[" if it was "],["worth publishing or not","worth it or not","good or not","worth publishing","worth it","good\r"],[", and for any "],["novel","book\r"],[" "],["that had less than","with less than\r"],[" "],["one thousand and fifty","1500\r"],[" "],["characters","letters\r"],[", "],["he would not only fire the writer, but also kill him","he would fire and also kill the writer","he would kill the writer\r"],[". "],["David Bourton","David\r"],[", "],["a young author","writer\r"],[" at the "],["Magalagan","Magagan","Magan","M.\r"],[" "],["and Sons","& Sons","S.\r"],[" "],["Brooklyn","Bkny","Bk\r"],[" "],["Book Company","Company","Book Co","Co\r"],[", "],["had only a few minutes left to","had three minutes left to","had two seconds left to","had one second left to","had almost no time to","was hurrying to","had to\r"],[" "],["put and end to the","complete his","finish his\r"],[" "],["novel","book\r"],[" and "],["and had no clue how to deal with it","and was worrying a lot","and was terrified","in a hurry","quickly\r"],[". "],["But suddenly he got an idea","Suddenly he got an idea","Here's what he did","He got an idea","His idea\r"],[": "],["he just kept writing the same sentence several times in a row. Yes, he kept writing the same sentence over and over.","he just kept writing the same sentence several times in a row. Yes, he kept writing the same sentence.","he just kept writing the same sentence. Yes, he kept writing the same sentence.","he just kept writing the same sentence over and over.","he just kept writing the same sentence.","keeping writing a single sentence","writing one sentence continuously","writing only one sentence\r"],[" "],["He kept writing the same sentence.","He kept writing the same sentence. He kept writing the same sentence. He kept writing the same sentence.\r"],[" "],["He kept writing the same sentence.","He kept writing the same sentence. He kept writing the same sentence. He kept writing the same sentence.\r"],[" "],["He kept writing the same sentence.","He kept writing the same sentence. He kept writing the same sentence. He kept writing the same sentence.\r"],[" "],["He kept writing the same sentence.","He kept writing the same sentence. He kept writing the same sentence. He kept writing the same sentence.\r"],[" "],["...",".\r"],[" "],["And eventually, he made it","And he made it","He finally made it","He made it\r"],[" "],["to more than","to\r"],[" "],["one thousand and fifty","1500\r"],[" "],["characters","letters\r"],[" "],["and his novel got published","and got published","and kept wrinting","and stayed alive\r"],[".\r"]],"minNC":631,"maxNC":1267},{"chunks":[["Being a writer at the Magalagan Book Company was a difficult. The boss, Mister Mac Magalagan Junior, was receiving a lot of books every day and didn't care much about the quality, "],["he would only look at the number of","he only counted\r"],[" "],["characters","letters\r"],[" in a "],["novel","book\r"],[" and "],["figure out","determine","say\r"],[" if it was "],["worth publishing or not","worth it or not","good or not","worth publishing","worth it","good\r"],[", and for any "],["novel","book\r"],[" "],["that had less than","with less than\r"],[" "],["one thousand and fifty","1500\r"],[" "],["characters","letters\r"],[", "],["he would not only fire the writer, but also kill him","he would fire and also kill the writer","he would kill the writer\r"],[". "],["David Bourton","David\r"],[", "],["a young author","writer\r"],[" at the "],["Magalagan","Magagan","Magan","M.\r"],[" "],["and Sons","& Sons","S.\r"],[" "],["Brooklyn","Bkny","Bk\r"],[" "],["Book Company","Company","Book Co","Co\r"],[", "],["had only a few minutes left to","had three minutes left to","had two seconds left to","had one second left to","had almost no time to","was hurrying to","had to\r"],[" "],["put and end to the","complete his","finish his\r"],[" "],["novel","book\r"],[" and "],["and had no clue how to deal with it","and was worrying a lot","and was terrified","in a hurry","quickly\r"],[". "],["But suddenly he got an idea","Suddenly he got an idea","Here's what he did","He got an idea","His idea\r"],[": "],["he just kept writing the same sentence several times in a row. Yes, he kept writing the same sentence over and over.","he just kept writing the same sentence several times in a row. Yes, he kept writing the same sentence.","he just kept writing the same sentence. Yes, he kept writing the same sentence.","he just kept writing the same sentence over and over.","he just kept writing the same sentence.","keeping writing a single sentence","writing one sentence continuously","writing only one sentence\r"],[" "],["He kept writing the same sentence.","He kept writing the same sentence. He kept writing the same sentence. He kept writing the same sentence.\r"],[" "],["He kept writing the same sentence.","He kept writing the same sentence. He kept writing the same sentence. He kept writing the same sentence.\r"],[" "],["He kept writing the same sentence.","He kept writing the same sentence. He kept writing the same sentence. He kept writing the same sentence.\r"],[" "],["He kept writing the same sentence.","He kept writing the same sentence. He kept writing the same sentence. He kept writing the same sentence.\r"],[" "],["He kept writing the same sentence.","He kept writing the same sentence. He kept writing the same sentence. He kept writing the same sentence.\r"],[" "],["...",".\r"],[" "],["And eventually, he made it","And he made it","He finally made it","He made it\r"],[" "],["to more than","to\r"],[" "],["one thousand and fifty","1500\r"],[" "],["characters","letters\r"],[" "],["and his novel got published","and got published","and kept wrinting","and stayed alive\r"],[".\r"]],"minNC":666,"maxNC":1373},{"chunks":[["Being a writer at the","Working at the\r"],[" "],["Magalagan","Magagan","Magan","M.\r"],[" "],["and Sons","& Sons","S.\r"],[" "],["Brooklyn","Bkny","Bk\r"],[" "],["Book Company","Company","Book Co","Co\r"],[" "],["was a difficult at that time because","was not an easy task:","was hard:\r"],[" the "],["editor-in-chief","chief editor","director","boss\r"],[", "],["Mister","Mr\r"],[" "],["Mac","Mc\r"],[" "],["Magalagan","Magagan","Magan","M.\r"],[" "],["Junior","Jr\r"],[", "],["was receiving a lot of books every day and","was receiving various books every day and","was receiving books every day and","had some books but","had books but\r"],[" "],["didn't care at all about the quality","didn't care much about the quality","didn't care about the quality","didn't know how to read","didn't read them\r"],[", "],["he would only look at the number of","he only counted\r"],[" "],["characters","letters\r"],[" in a "],["novel","book\r"],[" and "],["figure out","determine","say\r"],[" if it was "],["worth publishing or not","worth it or not","good or not","worth publishing","worth it","good\r"],[", and for any "],["novel","book\r"],[" "],["that had less than","with less than\r"],[" "],["one thousand and fifty","1500\r"],[" "],["characters","letters\r"],[", "],["he would not only fire the writer, but also kill him","he would fire and also kill the writer","he would kill the writer\r"],[". "],["David Bourton","David\r"],[", "],["a young author","writer\r"],[" at the "],["Magalagan","Magagan","Magan","M.\r"],[" "],["and Sons","& Sons","S.\r"],[" "],["Brooklyn","Bkny","Bk\r"],[" "],["Book Company","Company","Book Co","Co\r"],[", "],["had only a few minutes left to","had three minutes left to","had two seconds left to","had one second left to","had almost no time to","was hurrying to","had to\r"],[" "],["put and end to the","complete his","finish his\r"],[" "],["novel","book\r"],[" and "],["and had no clue how to deal with it","and was worrying a lot","and was terrified","in a hurry","quickly\r"],[". "],["But suddenly he got an idea","Suddenly he got an idea","Here's what he did","He got an idea","His idea\r"],[": "],["he just kept writing the same sentence several times in a row. Yes, he kept writing the same sentence over and over.","he just kept writing the same sentence several times in a row. Yes, he kept writing the same sentence.","he just kept writing the same sentence. Yes, he kept writing the same sentence.","he just kept writing the same sentence over and over.","he just kept writing the same sentence.","keeping writing a single sentence","writing one sentence continuously","writing only one sentence\r"],[" "],["He kept writing the same sentence.","He kept writing the same sentence. He kept writing the same sentence. He kept writing the same sentence.\r"],[" "],["He kept writing the same sentence.","He kept writing the same sentence. He kept writing the same sentence. He kept writing the same sentence.\r"],[" "],["He kept writing the same sentence.","He kept writing the same sentence. He kept writing the same sentence. He kept writing the same sentence.\r"],[" "],["He kept writing the same sentence.","He kept writing the same sentence. He kept writing the same sentence. He kept writing the same sentence.\r"],[" "],["He kept writing the same sentence.","He kept writing the same sentence. He kept writing the same sentence. He kept writing the same sentence.\r"],[" "],["He kept writing the same sentence.","He kept writing the same sentence. He kept writing the same sentence. He kept writing the same sentence.\r"],[" "],["...",".\r"],[" "],["And eventually, he made it","And he made it","He finally made it","He made it\r"],[" "],["to more than","to\r"],[" "],["one thousand and fifty","1500\r"],[" "],["characters","letters\r"],[" "],["and his novel got published","and got published","and kept wrinting","and stayed alive\r"],[".\r"]],"minNC":626,"maxNC":1530},{"chunks":[],"minNC":0,"maxNC":0}]