<001>|Brooklyn|Bkny|Bk <002>|Magalagan|Magagan|Magan|M. <003>|and Sons|& Sons|S. <004>|Book Company|Company|Book Co|Co <005>|editor-in-chief|chief editor|director|boss <006>|Mister|Mr <007>|Mac|Mc <008>|Junior|Jr <009>|one thousand and fifty|1500 <010>|characters|letters <011>|novels|books <012>|novel|book <013>|figure out|determine|say <014>|worth publishing or not|worth it or not|good or not|worth publishing|worth it|good <015>|...|. <016>|burn it|feed it to my dog|look at it ever again <017>|put a drop of cyanide in David's glass|pulled the trigger|stabbed David|fed David to the boars|burried the writer alive|pushed David in the ravine|poured the concrete on David|placed a bomb under David's car|slowly tied David to the railroad|pushed David's head under the water <018>|didn't care at all about the quality|didn't care much about the quality|didn't care about the quality|didn't know how to read|didn't read them <019>|Being a writer at the|Working at the <020>|And eventually, he made it|And he made it|He finally made it|He made it <021>|and his novel got published|and got published|and kept wrinting|and stayed alive <022>|he just kept writing the same sentence several times in a row. Yes, he kept writing the same sentence over and over.|he just kept writing the same sentence several times in a row. Yes, he kept writing the same sentence.|he just kept writing the same sentence. Yes, he kept writing the same sentence.|he just kept writing the same sentence over and over.|he just kept writing the same sentence.|keeping writing a single sentence|writing one sentence continuously|writing only one sentence <023>|he would not only fire the writer, but also kill him|he would fire and also kill the writer|he would kill the writer <024>|a young author|writer <025>|had only a few minutes left to|had three minutes left to|had two seconds left to|had one second left to|had almost no time to|was hurrying to|had to <026>|and had no clue how to deal with it|and was worrying a lot|and was terrified|in a hurry|quickly <027>|But suddenly he got an idea|Suddenly he got an idea|Here's what he did|He got an idea|His idea <028>|David Bourton|David <029>|Trust me, you don't want to be a writer|Trust me, you don't want to be a work|You probably don't want to be a writer|You don't want to work|It's a shame to work|Don't work <030>|was receiving a lot of books every day and|was receiving various books every day and|was receiving books every day and|had some books but|had books but <031>|he would only look at the number of|he only counted <032>|that had less than|with less than <033>|He kept writing the same sentence.|He kept writing the same sentence. He kept writing the same sentence. He kept writing the same sentence. <034>|He kept writing the same sentence.|He kept writing the same sentence. He kept writing the same sentence. He kept writing the same sentence. <035>|He kept writing the same sentence.|He kept writing the same sentence. He kept writing the same sentence. He kept writing the same sentence. <036>|He kept writing the same sentence.|He kept writing the same sentence. He kept writing the same sentence. He kept writing the same sentence. <037>|He kept writing the same sentence.|He kept writing the same sentence. He kept writing the same sentence. He kept writing the same sentence. <038>|He kept writing the same sentence.|He kept writing the same sentence. He kept writing the same sentence. He kept writing the same sentence. <039>|was a difficult at that time because|was not an easy task:|was hard: <040>|put and end to the|complete his|finish his <041>|to more than|to <042>|Epitaph <043>|servants|scribes <044>|servant|scribe <045>|Sadly nobody will ever read that|Sadly nobody will ever read that, not even the director <046>|evil habits|awful behaviour <047>|where he finally reveals|about <048>|a message to be written on his own grave|a message